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Gleeful News!

If you have not already heard or did not see, a Gleeful Peacock item made it to the front page of Etsy! Maybe it is like when you are looking for a spouse and as soon as you stop looking, then you find them. I had decided that it was something that had little chance of happening an had also decided I still deserved to continue making, creating and crafting. Read 'Affirmations for the Crafter' from earlier this month for pre-front page feelings. Well it came and it went and I am left with a few more hearts. it was super exciting, but to be honest I get more from someone e-mailing me to tell me they loved what they ordered.

In Other news..
Sunday will be the drawing for the giveaway-o'rama! Thank you to everyone for everything they have done to spread the glee!

It is also the final day for the buy one get on 50% off! 

Well as you can see I have updated my blog... all by myself! I feel so techie. Hope you like it!

Have a gleeful day!



  1. Love your new blog page. I understand what you mean about getting that e-mail that tells you how much they love what they bought from you. You did well on your own with your blog page. Congrats!!!

  2. Thank you so much! I had to pat myself on the back on the blog. I am still learning the techie side everyday! Well I guess at least it keeps me learning!
